8 Apr 2022
It’s been quite a difficult feat to hack the social commerce field of tech especially in Africa, as majority of startups have been focusing on building fintech solutions, however poddin seem to have broken into the social commerce, with quite a number of unique features.
Poddin has successfully fused the power of social networking and that of e-commerce into a single product, poddin app focuses on ensuring the interests of both buyers and sellers are well catered for and protected.
The issue of “what I ordered vs what I got" has been a reoccurring scenerio in the the online shopping space of recent and this is one of the issues poddin solves.

here’s poddin’s approach to solving this reoccurring issue;
The buyer initiates an order
The buyer’s poddin wallet is debited, and the fund is put in escrow.
A verification code is sent to the buyer
The buyer can keep track of his/her order via poddin app.
Upon receipt of the ordered item by the buyer, if delivered item matches ordered item and buyer is satisfied with his/her order, the buyer gives the code to the delivery person or the service provider.
upon verification of validity of the code the seller receives money which was earlier held in escrow.
The functionality of poddin however is not limited to buying and selling of goods, poddin features further extends to services providers, i.e freelancers.
With poddin, you get to chat with sellers/buyers in real time, discover businesses around you, sell products, offer services.
One of the core functionality that makes poddin standout is the ability of buyers to place orders at virtually any point in the app. This is possible due to some strategic features put in place, these features includes;
Shoppable Moments
In-chat shopping
If you are looking to experience interactive shopping, costumer-centric, seamless, and reliable shopping app download poddin now.